4 ways to deck out your flat with smart technology


Your flat is your happy place, your safe zone and the oasis that awaits at the end of a long, hard day — even if your bedroom only fits a bed and a dresser.

Living in a small space doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice a sleek aesthetic and connected home technologies, however; in fact, adding such modernisations to your flat can help maximise the square meters you do have, and help you make the most of your humble abode.

Below are a few ways you can optimise your space and bring your flat into the modern realm of the smart home.

Getting started with smart home tech

First and foremost, you’ll need a connected hub, like Samsung SmartThings, to act as the main control system from which you can monitor and control your flat’s settings straight from your smartphone. From there, the possibilities are almost endless.

These five devices, all of which easily pair with the SmartThings hub, can turn your flat into a high-tech living space.

  1. Adjust the Hue: Lighting is key in any home environment; nobody feels at peace with fluorescent lighting harshly highlighting every crevice of your living room. No longer are flat dwellers pigeonholed into long-term commitments to lighting schemes such as tungsten versus LED?, all thanks to connected technology.

    Hue, a smart lighting system by Philips, is a surefire way to ensure your flat’s lighting is optimal. Easily manage your home lighting preferences room by room for any time of day and any occasion. And with wireless, connected home technology, it’s possible to maintain this control from practically anywhere. The below video examines just a few of the remarkable features of Hue.
