You Can Have A Totally Unique Xbox One

If you had to guess how many hours you’ve spent customizing your Xbox One account, you might not be able to come up with an exact number. You just know you’ve spent a lot of time tweaking your gamertag, agonizing over your specific alias, avatar, and overall persona until you’re happy with the identity that you and other gamers see in the Xbox world. It makes sense. When there are potentially 18 million other users interacting with you, you want to make sure that your profile is as air-tight as possible.


Now that you’ve taken the time to personalize your online persona, it’s time to take a look at the real world around you. Your Xbox probably takes center stage in your living room, considering you play it most nights (and early mornings!). It’s going to be where you eye goes to first whenever you or your friends are in the room, regardless of whether or not you’re actually playing. That black box is pretty boring. But the worst part– for someone as individual as you – is knowing that that black box is the feature of over 18 million other livings rooms. Yikes!

It’s time that you extend your gamertag to your system itself. It’s no daunting task, if you know what your options are. In fact, when you only shop for Xbox One skins, it’s easier and more affordable than you think. These skins are vinyl wraps that are affixed in multiple pieces around your console, Kinect, and controller. Each piece is easily applied and can be customized according to your unique color and texture preferences. With true colors, carbon fibers, wood, and leather options, you’re sure to find something as distinct as your profile.

When you take the time to find Xbox skins from a reliable provider, you get so much more than just individuality. You can also get a little extra protection. Certain vinyl, like genuine 3M vinyl, keeps your Xbox scratch free. It’s also grime resistant, which goes along way when you and your friends order pizza during a long campaign. Best of all, it protects your Xbox from accidental abrasions should your gaming get a little rambunctious, as it usually does. The dbrand 3M Xbox One skins are also precision cut to accommodate the various ports, vents, toggles, and displays for the entire system, so your game play is never affected. While it protects your Xbox from external damages, these Xbox skins prevents its application from causing its own set of problems.

That’s exactly what you want, after all. An Xbox One skin is supposed to solve your issues of individuality, not cause new ones about performance. Stick to quality made 3M vinyl skins and you won’t have to worry about sacrificing functionality for looks. You get the best of both worlds.