From virtual reality shoes to smart hair brushes, find the perfect tech gadget which complements your weird, crazy and wacky self. Get your life in gear or throw yourself out, using these 12 top, high tech, and totally insane gadgets.
Hushme: Does your friend keep talking on the phone continuously while trying to work? This mask resembles the Bane mask from Batman comics. Touted as the “world’s first voice mask for mobile phones,” it can get your friend talk without disturbing anyone sitting nearby. This device has a built-in voice changer. Also, there are options to change your voice to sound like famous characters from movie. What an idea?
Cerevo Taclim VR shoes: Don’t worry if you find these sandals to be ugly. They are virtual. These sandals let you feel like you are walking on wood, sand, etc while you’re in a VR headset. Will the brand let you pay in virtual money?
Brainbit: Do you wish to find out how your brain is doing? Move over fitbits, this is BrainBit, a headband which monitors and reports on your brain activity. It is a lightweight, elegant and user-friendly device made for everyday use. You can check how you have exercised your grey matter.
Airdog Fitair: Talking about face straps, what is your view on an air purifier? This one is literally a breath of fresh air. This will come out something this year.
PowerRay: Indians are not really as fascinated about catching fishes like their western counterparts. But, what if you could send a minicamera-equipped submarine drone down into the water to find out where they’re hiding? Soon you might be able to do that. The price has however not been revealed yet.
Kerastase Hair Coach: A smart hair brush? This ‘Hair Coach’ teaches you to brush your hair properly, as if you never done that before.. It has a built-in microphone which listens as you brush. There is a whole host of other sensors which tests your strokes and your environment.
Furrion Elysium RV: Ever wished to own a “recreational vehicle” and live aboard a bus? This bus has its own hot tub and built-in retractable helipad too. Must cost a bomb?
Acer Predator 21X: A laptop which contains two GeForce GTX 1080 GPUs, has two power supplies, 5 system fans, 9 heatpipes, 64GB of memory and five storage drives. The laptop has the world’s first curved screen in a laptop, measures 21 inches. A mechanical keyboard and an overclockable CPU and much more. What else would you need in a laptop?

Sensorwake Oria: This is an alarm clock which helps throw smell in your face? You can also try the Sensorwake Oria’s patented scents for yourself. Weird?
Sleep Number 360 Bed: The Sleep Number 360 Bed remembers your comfort settings. It warms your feet while you sleep. It auto-props up your partner’s head when he or she starts snoring. This one also deflates the mattress slightly if you shift position in the middle of the night. What can it not do? Make and clear itself in the morning.
Waterproof speakers: Music lover? Why listen to your speakers from the drawing room, when you can bring it in your bathroom. Yes, waterproof speakers have been here for quite sometime, but now they are coming at really cheap prices.