Tag Archives: Business

8 Innovative Devices, Gadgets and More for Small Business

When you’re on the road, whether locally or internationally, sometimes you just need that little device, gadget or thingamajig to make your work life easier.  These tools are not just for road warriors, but for anyone who appreciates elegant lifehacks. Here are eight of my favorites: Breffo spiders are absolutely amazing. Simple, but super cool. You can mold one into ... Read More »

IESE Business School Adds New Executive Education Director

New York, NY (Press Release – January 5, 2012) – IESE Business School (University of Navarra) is proud to announce that Luis F. Casas has joined IESE U.S. team as Director of Executive Education. Mr. Casas is responsible for developing and promoting open enrollment and customized executive education programs for IESE as the Global business school expands its programs in ... Read More »

Free Online Education Courses From The Small Business Administration

For small businesses entrepreneurs, continuous learning and finding new resources to help further business goals can be essential to growth and success. However, business courses can be costly and the sheer amount of information and resources available online can be overwhelming. But now, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced a new online Small Business Learning Center aimed at simplifying ... Read More »

School’s In Session: Do You Need More Education to Succeed in Business?

The kiddos are heading back to school in the coming weeks, and probably you’ll be a little relieved to have them out of your hair while trying to run your business. But consider: would going back to school for business provide extra benefits to you as an entrepreneur? Consider Your Reasons If you’re simply frustrated because your business has slowed ... Read More »

How Amazon, Apple, Ebay, Facebook and Google Will Continue to Disrupt The Business World

A decade ago, if you were asked what companies are at the forefront of driving the economy, you wouldn’t find many lists that didn’t include the likes of Microsoft, Walmart, IBM, Dell and a few others. But if you ask that question now, you may be surprised if any of them show up. That’s the nature of how much the ... Read More »

Small Business Tech Market

In-Stat MDR has a study showing that the U.S. small business market will spend over $170 billion on information technology in 2004, an increase of more than 5% compared to expenditures in 2003. According to In-Stat MDR: “Although individual firms’ IT budgets are relatively small, customers in this market represent a tremendous opportunity for IT providers. Telecom, applications and LAN ... Read More »

5 Effective Social Media Best Practices for Your Business

Today, an average person spends a minimum of three hours each day on social media sites. If your small business doesn’t know how to create a Facebook page for your new business, or where to begin when it comes to Pinterest, start by figuring out those tasks. Once you have your presence established on the right social media sites for ... Read More »

10 Facebook Business Page Tips that Will Keep You From Screwing Up Your Marketing Efforts (Video)

As the largest social media site for small businesses, Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) likely plays a important role in your social media marketing strategy. But how do you know you’re doing Facebook right? From building your business page to Facebook’s advertising platform, there’s a lot for a small business owner to figure out and the learning curve can be steep. Happily, there ... Read More »

Does Facebook Have a Double Standard When It Comes to Small Business Advertisers?

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) as been accused of double standards when it comes to advertising after it repeatedly refused one small business’ attempts to launch an online ad campaign because the company sold Airsoft guns. Facebook’s advertising policy clearly states that paid posts cannot promote items such as “weapons, ammunition, or explosives.” And according to a member of the social media network’s Help ... Read More »

Those “I Voted” Stickers Offer a Small But Powerful Business Lesson (Watch)

The ‘I Voted’ Sticker Is Just One Big Psychological Hack How Instagram Completely Reshaped The Modeling Industry Social Media Deepens The Political Divide. Unfriending Makes It Worse The FDA Wants To Know About Your Nutella-Eating Habits Go on any social media platform on Election Day and you’re likely to see plenty of photos of “I Voted” stickers. But even though ... Read More »