Author Archives: sristy

It’s Come to This? Pro-Trump Entrepreneur Blocked from Incubator’s Social Network

Andrew Torba, founder of, a social network preferred by conservatives, has been blocked from Y Combinator’s (YC) private social network, Bookface. Officials at Y Combinator, a funding source for early startups, says  it was due to a Facebook post that, allegedly, violated the investment firm’s harassment policy. What was the Real Reason Andrew Torba Got Booted from Y Combinator? ... Read More »

7 Ironclad Reasons Snapchat Stories are Superior to Instagram Stories

There are seven reasons why Snapchat stories is superior to Instagram stories and none of the reasons are features that can be copied. The core functionality of Snapchat and Instagram are worlds apart, and that has created two different native cultures. If we go back in the annals of history to Snapchat 1.0 and Instagram 1.0 we will see two completely ... Read More »

Facebook Unveils New Community Help, Safety Check, Donation and Non-Profit Partnership Tools

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) recently unveiled some new tools as part of its Live feature at the social network’s first Social Good Forum held on 17 November in New York. The new tools include community help, safety check, an expanded fundraiser features, and nonprofit partnerships. New Facebook Features for November 2016 Naomi Gleit, VP Social Good at Facebook, said the new ... Read More »

YouTube Users, Would You Switch to Twitch?

Twitch’s plan to have a piece of YouTube’s pie is no longer a secret. The Amazon-owned video-streaming platform has been adding more and more services that have traditionally only been available on YouTube. In August this year, Twitch updated its video upload feature, allowing users to upload videos directly to the platform. This means that streamers can now apply their production ... Read More »

LinkedIn Becomes Locked Out in Russia

LinkedIn’s network just got a little smaller following a blocking order by a court that ruled that the social network had violated a law on data storage. Russia’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor ordered ISP’s to block LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) after a Moscow court upheld an earlier ruling that LinkedIn breached Russian privacy laws. Some ISP’s have already cut access to the site, ... Read More »


We’ve collected these social media marketing statistics for small businesses from a variety of sources. Last updated: December 4, 2016 NOTE: to discover how many users each social network has, see our Social Media Statistics 2016 post. GENERAL SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STATISTICS: 6 percent of small businesses report using social media to promote their businesses and among them, Facebook is ... Read More »

30 Innovative Ways to Use Periscope for Your Small Business

Are you looking for new ways to market your business? Have you tried Periscope? From a business perspective, Periscope is a really great way to market a product. You might have limited audience at the very beginning, but the numbers will quickly grow based on your content, audience and promotion efforts. Below are a few ways that you can use ... Read More »

Calculating Social Media ROI, Trickier Than You Think?

Back from 2010-2013, I used to provide social media services when I started my agency. It was a great way to add reoccurring revenue to our bottom line, but we always had a problem. And that problem was proving a return on their investment in our social media services. Meaning, that if they paid us $1,000 a month and they needed ... Read More »

50 Revolving Topics for Social Media Post Inspiration

Social media provides endless possibilities for small businesses. That means there are seemingly endless types of posts that you can share on different social media platforms. But when you need some extra inspiration, here are 50 different social media post ideas to use when creating content you can share with your followers. Social Media Post Ideas Quick Tips Social media is perfect ... Read More »