Author Archives: sristy

Spotlight: Bornevia Offers Customer Support for an Underserved Market

There’s no shortage of SaaS or CRM offerings for businesses in the U.S. But there are other markets around the world that don’t necessarily have the same offerings to cater to their businesses. As an engineer in the Bay Area, Benny Tija realized that there may be a market for a product that he could build in his home country ... Read More »

Gmail Undo Send, New Tech Partnerships Make Headlines

Pretty much every business owner and professional has experienced the horror of sending an email only to find moments later that it included a mistake, typo, or even the dreaded unintentional “send all.” But now there’s a new solution for Gmail users in the form of an “undo send” button. In addition, WordStream and Constant Contact and Bing and AOL ... Read More »

Brightly Wearable Tech Tells You When You Need a Bathroom

Though it’s not a fun thing to discuss, incontinence is a fairly common issue for people above a certain age. For now, most people who experience it have to deal with adult diapers or opt for surgery. But very soon, technology might be able to provide a better way for people to deal with incontinence. Lir Scientific is the company ... Read More »

Techieworks: Providing Seniors with Online Tech Help

When Anant Vats was working for Infosys in Houston, he once took the bus with some friends to go to dinner in town. Suddenly, an old lady sitting next to them asked them if they could fix her computer. Pleasantly surprised at this request, Anant asked her what led her to believe they could. “Because you are Indian!” she said. ... Read More »

Tech Startup Culture Gaining Momentum in Pune, India

0Made in India startups are definitely gaining ground, and among them Made in Pune holds an increasingly important place. To further illustrate the success of Pune-based startups, we shall address a select few as a collective, while we hope for many more. Sapience Analytics Let us begin our discussion with Sapience Analytics, creator of an award-winning enterprise class product designed ... Read More »

HubSpot Files for IPO, Hopes to Raise $100 Million

HubSpot, the inbound marketing company founded by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah in 2006, has filed its intentions for an Initial Public Offering. The company says it hopes to raise $100 million from sales of public stock, according to its S-1 filing with the Security Exchange Commission. Hubspot says it plans to list shares on the New York Stock Exchange ... Read More »

30 Top Social Media Sites to Market Your Small Business Locally

The coming of social media has really been the game changer in the way we carry out business marketing and related activities. Their birth has made custom targeting of prospective customers a breeze. It has enhanced our ability to communicate directly with those we seek to reach. However, are all social media websites best for business use? Below we disclose ... Read More »

Must Have Travel Apps and Tech for Your Devices

If you’re hitting the road for business this summer, you’re going to want to arm yourself with some must have travel apps and tech for your devices. That’s right, thanks to new and useful travel apps, as well as the latest tech for your devices, you can get more work done on the road than ever. Must Have Travel Apps for Your Devices ... Read More »

Top Tech Products for Your Business

Shopping for technology products is unnecessarily confusing for many small businesses, for three reasons: (1) There’s a lot of technology available in the marketplace. It does not always fall neatly into apples-to-apples categories, either, especially now when we are undergoing rapid technology disruption in a number of product areas. For instance, the telecommunications area is going through a massive shift ... Read More »

How to Use Tech Tools to Run a Small Farming Business

Each morning at Ninja Cow Farm in North Carolina, farmer Dan Moore moves his cows from temporary paddocks into the farm’s pasture. He then sits in the pasture with the cows before it’s time for him to go to work. It’s a pretty normal scene for a morning on a farm, except for one thing – he’s actually blogging. Moore ... Read More »