Author Archives: sristy

Gmail Undo Send, New Tech Partnerships Make Headlines

Pretty much every business owner and professional has experienced the horror of sending an email only to find moments later that it included a mistake, typo, or even the dreaded unintentional “send all.” But now there’s a new solution for Gmail users in the form of an “undo send” button. In addition, WordStream and Constant Contact and Bing and AOL ... Read More »

Financing Your Startup: Are Government Grants an Option?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions posted by entrepreneurs and owners of young businesses in the SBA Community. And, in most cases, the answer is “no.” However, some small businesses, particularly those engaged in “high-tech” innovation or scientific research and development, can benefit from government grants. Here are some facts about government grants for small businesses, including ... Read More »

50 Low Tech Businesses You Can Start

So, you have the entrepreneurial spirit but not a lot of tech know-how? Despite all of the high-tech startups that have popped up in recent years, there are still plenty of small business options out there that don’t require you to know the difference between CSS and QR codes. Below are low tech business ideas you can start this year. Editor’s ... Read More »

30 Top Cities for Women Entrepreneurs

Embed this Infographic on your Site Different communities may attract different kinds of entrepreneurs. Some qualities — such as customers with sufficient disposable income, availability of a large employee pool, low taxes and fewer regulations — certainly tend to make a community more appealing to entrepreneurs  in general. Still other aspects of a community might appeal to a specific type ... Read More »

10 Non Tech Startup Ideas for Businesses (Video)

Think every business idea needs to include high tech tools and complicated gadgets? Think again! There are actually still tons of non tech startup ideas for businesses that don’t involve much technology at all – even in 2016. Non Tech Startup Ideas are Still Worth Pursuing Skills that might seem a little old fashioned like woodworking, baking and even cleaning can ... Read More »

Facebook Unveils New Community Help, Safety Check, Donation and Non-Profit Partnership Tools

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) recently unveiled some new tools as part of its Live feature at the social network’s first Social Good Forum held on 17 November in New York. The new tools include community help, safety check, an expanded fundraiser features, and nonprofit partnerships. New Facebook Features for November 2016 Naomi Gleit, VP Social Good at Facebook, said the new ... Read More »


We’ve collected these social media marketing statistics for small businesses from a variety of sources. Last updated: December 4, 2016 NOTE: to discover how many users each social network has, see our Social Media Statistics 2016 post. GENERAL SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STATISTICS: 6 percent of small businesses report using social media to promote their businesses and among them, Facebook is ... Read More »

Determining the Relevancy of Google+

In many ways, Google+ is the social platform that never was. Multiple redesigns and the general preference for Facebook, Twitter, and other social apps have rendered Google+ a network of grey area. If you think about it, you never really hear about a video going viral on Google+, or any challenges/trends flooding the platform. But does that mean it lacks ... Read More »

Crowdfunding Publishers Rake It In, $100 Million Pledged Thus Far, Kickstarter Says

Product startups aren’t the only entrepreneurs using crowdfunding to finance their products. Crowdfunding giant Kickstarter has hit a landmark, recording $100 million in pledges to small publishers and self-publishing authors. In a blog post, the company said that “more than a million people from around the world have gotten behind over 30,000 Publishing projects on Kickstarter, helping nearly 10,000 of ... Read More »

BizEquity Partners with Equifax in a Bid to Democratize Business Valuations

What is your business worth? Do you have any idea? BizEquity, an online provider of business valuation big data, recently announced it has entered into a strategic partnership with Equifax (NYSE: EFX), an information solutions and global insights provider, to help answer this very question. The companies say they’re offering a joint business valuation service that will help small business ... Read More »