Author Archives: sristy

Liquid Soap and Green Tech are Game Changers for This Entrepreneur

In the U.S., little things like liquid soap can be taken for granted. But in other parts of the world, it can make a pretty big difference. In Nigeria, about 80 percent of the population uses bar soap to hand-wash their dishes each day. But liquid soap offers both economic and hygienic advantages. That’s where Nigerian entrepreneur Cynthia Ndubuisi got the idea ... Read More »

Startup Story: Finding Gaps in a Market Can Happen Purely by Chance

Successful entrepreneurial ventures are often based on business solutions and ideas that strive to plug a gap in the market. Once you identify the gaps and pain points, you work towards solutions and formulate a business idea. And most often, finding the gaps in a market happens purely by accident rather than by design. It was also by chance that ... Read More »

Detroit is Trying to Become the Next Major Tech Hub

Detroit isn’t exactly known as a tech hub. But some people and organizations are looking to change that. One such organization is TechTown Detroit, a non-profit business incubator located in an old General Motors factory in the city’s Midtown neighborhood. The TechTown Detroit building is a five-story building currently playing host to about 40 small businesses. And the organization is ... Read More »

Don’t Just Enter a New Market — Create One

There’s a popular story about the founding of Netflix. In it, the company’s co-founder, Reed Hastings, came up with the idea after accruing a $40 late fee from Blockbuster for the movie Apollo 13. But according to recent reports, that story might not be entirely accurate. The company’s co-founders Hastings and Marc Randolph simply wanted to come up with a ... Read More »

Startup Makes Wearable Tech to Monitor Vitals, Head Trauma

Believe it or not, there are some tech companies that aren’t interested in smartglasses or smartwatches. MC10′s approach to wearable technology has been to completely re-imagine how that technology can be used to monitor and improve a person’s health. It’s technology that can take your vitals, monitor for possible trauma, and even improve the outcome of surgical procedures. This is ... Read More »

69 Percent of SMBs Focus IT Budget on Emerging Tech

Sixty-nine percent of small and medium-sized businesses are devoting part of their IT budget for 2016 to newer and emerging technologies. These include technologies like 3D printers and wearable devices, as well as dashboard and data visualization software applications. The stat comes from a new survey-based whitepaper by technology company Insight Enterprises Inc. (NASDAQ: NSIT). That figure raises to three in ... Read More »

Emerging Markets for High Tech Ideas

0 Nobel Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow explained why entrepreneurs rarely sell their new product ideas to established companies better able to exploit them. His answer has become known as “Arrow’s Information Paradox” and goes like this: If you try to sell someone a piece of knowledge, like an idea for a new product, they won’t buy it unless you also ... Read More »

Small Business Tech Market

In-Stat MDR has a study showing that the U.S. small business market will spend over $170 billion on information technology in 2004, an increase of more than 5% compared to expenditures in 2003. According to In-Stat MDR: “Although individual firms’ IT budgets are relatively small, customers in this market represent a tremendous opportunity for IT providers. Telecom, applications and LAN ... Read More »

Here Are Some Last Minute Facebook Advertising Tips for the Holidays

If you haven’t been working on your holiday advertising game plan since September, you’re actually late to the party. Many successful marketers start holiday-specific advertising early in the fall to get exposure among users and influence consumer shopping early on, especially on Facebook. In fact, I can recall seeing gift-giving, holiday-related advertisements on Facebook as early as the beginning of ... Read More »

30 Hot Trends in Millennial Fashion for the Office This Winter

Looking to update your work wardrobe for the upcoming winter season? There are plenty of great options out there for trendy office fashion that’s both comfortable and professional. This winter, you can see many classic trends like blazers, fitted pants and pencil skirts updated in new and unique ways. And you can also see some more trendy items that can ... Read More »