Enjoy Society And Music To Improving IQ

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IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. It is a scientific assessment of your intelligence from regulated tests for measuring abilities for solving problems, spatial imagery, memory and other factors. To increase your intelligence level you should use a simple method of exposing yourself. Be active in your community, social media and the world around you. The more you get connected with different opinion and ideas the more you learn. You may not always agree with what you have learned, but by challenging your preconceived notions, you will either strengthen your beliefs or adopt new beliefs based on new information. Scores on tests of intelligence are obtained from getting yourself attached to music. It can be any music, the music you love. While listening music when you are traveling or you are willing to hear alone, use a headphone but not an ear-phone. Ear-phone causes damage to brain cells proving to be opposite of what you are looking for.

Workout plans for brain

It’s fun when it comes to working with the brain. Once you adopt good skill in a particular field, try going to the next level. Suppose if you become a Sudoku master, do not stop, become a Go master or a chess expert. This is because your brain stops working hard as soon as you develop your skill in a particular sector. It stops expending the resources or that dopamine rush that makes you smarter. Always play games that are strategic. It increases the fluid intelligence that draws connections between things, adapt new situation and solve problems. Strategic games increase attention level which is a vital part of your IQ.  Scores on tests of intelligence are gained through playing the popular game Tetris which leads to more brain activity as it forces the user to solve the problem with quick actions. One of the significant workout plans is to challenge your brain in new ways. Try cryptology to boost your brain power. It is a puzzle of the message which you have to decode it.

One of the fastest ways of brain boosting

This is a way related to the biochemistry of the brain. It is a very effective way which is dealt in deep inside your brain. They are some smart medicines that enhance cognitive functions. When a person learns he/she requires two cognitive skills. One is the memory and the other is the concentration. When you are having problems with this two it is better to plan a medication through these smart medicines. They are medically called nootropics. Nootropics improve the flow of oxygen to the brain and improve the neurotransmitters. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain means lack of concentration. A drug can only be said as nootropics only if it improves overall brain health. There may be a difference in result depending on the individuals. It is the consumption ability and reaction power of a human body that differs. It is important to understand that taking these medicines will not let you turn into a genius overnight. You have to stick with proper dosage and diet plan to notice a change.